Data and Analytics

IntroductionEffective inventory management is absolutely essential in the world of retail and e-commerce. It plays a vital role in ensuring smooth operations and keeping customers satisfied. At the core of this process lies an important tool: the Stock Keeping Unit, widely recognised as SKU. This blog post will explore the concept of an SKU, how […]

Di dunia yang serba terhubung secara digital saat ini, data lebih dari sekadar kata; data adalah komponen penting dari bisnis yang berhasil. Dari perusahaan start-up hingga organisasi besar, bisnis tidak lagi terbatas pada satu channel penjualan saja. Dengan munculnya platform e-commerce, media sosial, toko fisik, dan inisiatif lainnya, operasional multichannel telah menjadi standar, bukan lagi […]

Platform marketplace telah berkembang menjadi sangat penting dalam dunia e-commerce yang terus berubah, baik bagi pembeli maupun penjual. Dengan kenyamanan dan aksesibilitas yang tak tertandingi, platform-platform ini memungkinkan penjual untuk menampilkan produk yang mereka jual ke basis pelanggan di seluruh dunia tanpa perlu fasilitas atau inisiatif pemasaran yang besar. Namun, di tengah-tengah daya tarik platform-platform […]

With the rapid evolution of commerce, it has become crucial to connect offline and online business operations. As online marketplaces keep rising, the retail landscape is changing dramatically, transforming how customers shop and businesses function. With the convenience of shopping from home and a vast array of products at their fingertips, online marketplaces have become […]

In today's digitally connected world, data is more than just a word; it is the vital component of businesses that succeed. From startups to big organizations, businesses are no longer limited to a single sales channel. With the rise of e-commerce platforms, social media, physical shops, and other initiatives, multichannel operations have become the standard […]

Are you prepared for the Ramadan sale campaign with Lazada and Shopee 2024? This yearly promotion offers sellers an excellent opportunity to increase their sales while achieving maximum visibility. The countdown has begun for both marketplaces, and you don't want to miss out! Here are the main details you should know: Lazada (PayDay Jualan Ramadan […]