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News from Sellercraft

Understanding and Combatting Shopping Cart Abandonment in E-commerce Marketplaces in 2025
The Power of Business Data: Why Your Success Depends on It
Bridging the Divide: Legacy Systems and Online Marketplaces in Modern Commerce

Understanding and Combatting Shopping Cart Abandonment in E-commerce Marketplaces in 2025

According to a recent study, the average rate of cart abandonment across all industries surpasses 70.19%. This statistic was derived from an analysis of 49 distinct studies that provided data on e-commerce shopping cart abandonment. What is shopping cart abandonment exactly? Shopping cart abandonment occurs when a buyer adds items to their online shopping basket […]

The Power of Business Data: Why Your Success Depends on It

In today's digitally connected world, data is more than just a word; it is the vital component of businesses that succeed. From startups to big organizations, businesses are no longer limited to a single sales channel. With the rise of e-commerce platforms, social media, physical shops, and other initiatives, multichannel operations have become the standard […]