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Artikel dari Sellercraft

Understanding and Combatting Shopping Cart Abandonment in E-commerce Marketplaces in 2025
According to a recent study, the average rate of cart abandonment across all industries surpasses 70.19%. This statistic was derived from an analysis of 49 distinct studies that provided data on e-commerce shopping cart abandonment. What is shopping cart abandonment exactly? Shopping cart abandonment occurs when a buyer adds items to their online shopping basket […]

The Power of Business Data: Why Your Success Depends on It
In today's digitally connected world, data is more than just a word; it is the vital component of businesses that succeed. From startups to big organizations, businesses are no longer limited to a single sales channel. With the rise of e-commerce platforms, social media, physical shops, and other initiatives, multichannel operations have become the standard […]
About Us
Sellercraft, we are a team of experienced tech enthusiasts powering up major brands and warehouses in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Philippines, with our feature rich cloud supply chain solutions.
Menara Bidakara 2, Jalan Jend Gatot Subroto Nomor 71-73, Kota
Adm. Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Contact Info:
Layanan Pengaduan Konsumen Direktorat Jenderal
Perlindungan Konsumen dan Tertib Niaga Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia Whatsapp Ditjen PKTN: 0853 1111 1010