Shopee’s New Criteria: Average preparation time (APT) for Preferred & Preferred+ Sellers

Last week, Shopee has announced the recent update to the Preferred and Preferred+ Seller Programmes is not only about meeting the new performance criteria but also about using the right tools to make this journey smoother. Shopee is rolling out new performance criteria to enhance the experience for both sellers and buyers, ensuring a smoother journey ahead.

Shopee APT latest update January 2024

Average Preparation Time (APT): A Game Changer in Seller Performance

Average Preparation Time (APT) will be included in the requirements for Preferred and Preferred+ Seller Programmes starting March 1, 2024, in order to improve buyer experience.

Average Preparation Time is how long it takes a seller to ship an order. It is calculated from the time the order is paid for until it is scanned by the logistics service providers (i.e. the scheduled pickup or drop-off service point).

To support sellers in achieving optimal ship-out metrics, the cut-off time for arranging shipment and pick-up hours will be extended to 1:00 PM for same-day pickups, effective March 1, 2024. The criteria that need to be understood in order to maintain Preferred and Preferred+ seller status:

The criteria to maintain Shopee Preferred and Preferred+

Average Preparation Time (APT): A Game Changer in Seller Performance


Sellers aspiring to achieve the esteemed Preferred or Preferred+ Seller status must meet all specified requirements. Eligible sellers will be onboarded every Tuesday.


To retain the Preferred or Preferred+ Seller status, sellers must consistently meet all performance criteria post-joining the programme. Shopee monitors seller status in the last week of each month, with offboarding occurring on the first Monday of the next month. Sellers are advised to closely monitor their performance on the Preferred or Preferred+ Seller page and take corrective actions upon receiving a warning notification.

Additional Notes:

Shopee assesses sellers' store performance at the end of each month, irrespective of the onboarding week.

Offboarding messages may be received on a weekly basis throughout the month, serving as warnings. The actual offboardings, however, take place only on the first Monday of each month.

As Shopee introduces these changes, sellers are encouraged to adjust their approaches to improve their performance, and aim to achieve or maintain their Preferred or Preferred+ Seller recognition. Keep an eye out for further updates as Shopee remains dedicated to offering a seamless online shopping experience for everyone.

However, if you operate across multiple marketplaces, adapting to this new update manually might be challenging. However, did you know that Sellercraft offers a bulk picklist feature that allows you to manage orders from multiple marketplaces on a single platform?

Sellercraft - Bulk Picklist Feature and how it can help sellers simplify their order management and APT

Sellercraft Orders Management

1. Boosts efficiency with Sellercraft's Bulk Picklist feature

Sellercraft OMS (Order Management System) is a handy solution for Shopee sellers, providing a Bulk Picklist for speedier order processing and greater productivity. The Bulk Picklist is essential for sellers who want to keep their Preferred and Preferred+ statuses. 

  • Faster Fulfillment: Expedite picking and packing across multiple channels to meet Shopee's SLAs efficiently
  • Efficient Operations: Streamline manual tasks, reduce errors, and manage orders from various marketplaces on one platform for enhanced efficiency.
  • Happy Customers: The Bulk Picklist empowers sellers to process orders promptly, ensuring accurate picking and streamlined operations for improved customer satisfaction.

2. Air waybill printing for smooth selling experience

Sellercraft integrates air waybill printing to the Bulk Picklist, making shipping easier and enhancing a more organised logistics workflow.


In Shopee's ever-changing Preferred and Preferred+ Seller Programmes, sellers have to prioritize adaptation and efficiency. Speed and accuracy in order fulfillment are highlighted by indicators like Average Preparation Time (APT) and the impending Same Day Handover (SDH).

Sellercraft comes out as a valuable ally, providing the Bulk Picklist feature and easy air waybill printing to streamline operations. With Shopee extending its platform days-to-ship policy, sellers should aim to surpass expectations to maintain their Preferred and Preferred+ statuses.

The integration between Shopee's updates and Sellercraft's features creates a solution for sellers to not just meet but excel in the evolving performance criteria. Use these tools effectively, act confidently, and lead your way to success in the e-commerce world. Best wishes with your selling endeavours!

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