How Product Bundles Can Help Overcome Aging Inventory in Your E-Commerce Store

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, success hinges on more than just a great product. It's about mastering the art of inventory management, understanding market dynamics, and keeping your customers delighted. As we enter 2024, the challenges have evolved, requiring a shift in your approach.

Expired Products Aging Products

What does 'aging inventory 'mean?

Aging in, often known as aging inventory, refers to low-demand products that fail to sell or sell slowly. Unsold inventory blocks up cash flow and pays high storage expenses, reducing profit margins. These things must be reduced in order to clear off slow products and bring in new products. In general, the quicker a business can sell its inventory, the higher its profit potential.

Ecommerce Seller Tab Store

Understanding the cause of aging inventory


Changing customer trends

Customer tastes change frequently, and what was popular yesterday may not be appealing today. Products that were once in high demand can become outdated, causing an increase in aging inventory.


As discussed in our previous blog post about the drawbacks of unsynchronized inventory, it can lead to overstocking. This issue can also arise when there is a mistake in overestimating demand and acquiring excessive quantities of a specific product. Consequently, an excess of inventory may occur, taking longer to sell and contributing to aging stock.

Seasonal variations

Certain products may be in great demand during certain seasons, leaving stores with extra inventory during off-peak periods. This seasonality effect, if not managed appropriately, might result in aging inventory. This seasonality factor can lead to aging inventory if not managed properly.

Average Inventory Age Formula

The cause of aging inventory to your business

Tied-up money

Aging inventory holds costly money that could be used elsewhere in the business. This lack of funding might limit chances for growth and strain financial resources.

Storage costs

Aging inventory can lead to higher storage costs for businesses. This includes rent, utilities, and maintenance costs, which affect total profitability.

Limits business’s flexibility

Having too much inventory prevents your business from responding quickly to market changes. Having proper inventory allows you to adjust as the market shifts.

Business Down

Resulting in becoming outdated

As a result of often storing and handling extra inventory, businesses face the danger of failing to purchase newer, more in-demand products, resulting in outdated inventory.

Ways to minimise aging inventory

Real-time data analytics

Use data analytics technologies like Sellercraft Data & Analytics to monitor product performance in real time. This helps businesses identify slow-moving items early on and take proactive solutions.

Sellercraft Data & Analytics

Strategic inventory planning

To avoid overstocking, use an effective inventory planning technique. Practice regular demand forecasting to ensure that purchase decisions are in line with market trends.

Dynamic pricing

Use dynamic pricing tactics to change product prices based on demand, ensuring that inventory sells before it becomes outdated.

Use cross-selling and up-selling

Encourage customers to explore additional products through cross-selling and up-selling techniques. Suggest complementary items or showcase higher-end alternatives to increase the average transaction value and move aging inventory in the process.

Introduce flash sales and limited-time offers

Create a sense of urgency by applying flash sales or limited-time offers. This can encourage buyers to make speedy purchases, especially if they believe they are getting a good offer.

Boost marketing and advertising

Invest in focused initiatives to raise awareness of aged products. To increase demand, highlight unique selling points, limit availability, and create a sense of uniqueness.

Bundle recommendations

Appreciate the value of bundle recommendations as a solution to aging inventory especially during peak campaign periods. Business owners can generate appealing deals by purposely grouping slow-moving products with popular ones. There are three types of bundles that sellers can choose for peak campaign planning:

  1. Clearance bundles: Create bundles that include both aged inventory and popular items, offering customers an affordable option while clearing out old products. 
  2. Seasonal bundles: Use seasonal themes to combine aged inventory with similar items, focusing on specific times of year.
  3. Exclusive deals: Create exclusive bundle packages that give value to customers and encourage them to make a purchase.

Hey, did you know that Sellercraft also provides product bundling recommendations and reasons why you should use this feature? Sellercraft offers this feature for free without requiring credit card information. Just three simple steps to use this feature:

  1. Sign up and connect your stores to Sellercraft.
  2. After successfully connecting your stores, navigate to the 'Sellerwizard' tab and click on 'Bundle Recommendations.'
  3. When you click on a product, you will see suggestions from Sellercraft regarding which products you can group for bundle deals (refer to the picture below).
Bundle product recommendation


Aging inventory poses challenges for e-commerce businesses, but with strategic planning and innovative solutions like bundle recommendations, these challenges can be turned into opportunities. E-commerce organizations may successfully reduce the effects of aging inventory and improve their entire inventory management operations by being agile, integrating data-driven insights, and providing compelling bundle deals.